


  • 近くは何ですか?Nearの機能は何ですか?
  • Tokenomicに近い:主要なメトリック、トークンの割り当て、およびトークンのユースケース。
  • ニアトークンを獲得して保存する方法/場所は?
  • ロードマップとアップデート。
  • Founders/ Team members, Investors, and Strategic partners.

What is Near?

NEAR is a blockchain platform allowing developers and entrepreneurs to build applications and secure high-value assets such as money or identity, etc., while making them friendly and usable enough for consumers to access.

In doing so, NEAR is creating the only community-run cloud strong enough to extend the reach of Open Finance and power the future of the Open Web. Using shards and Public PoS mechanism, developers are able to write smart contracts and deploy them using very similar processes to how applications are deployed to centralized clouds.

How does Near work?

The Near Platform: Is made up of the cloud of community-operated nodes. Developers can permissionlessly deploy smart contracts to this cloud and users can permissionlessly use the applications they power.  Applications, which are varied from games to digital currencies, can store their state (data) securely on the platform.  

The Near token: Is the native asset of the Near Ecosystem. Its functionality is enabled for all accounts. Detailed token use cases can be found below.

Other digital assets: Since the platform's ultimate goal is to secure high-value assets such as money, identity or personal data, etc., the platform is designed to easily store unique digital assets, which may include:

  • その他のトークン:他のチェーンからブリッジされたトークン、またはニアプラットフォーム上に作成されたトークンは、簡単に保存および転送できます。これにより、これらの種類のトークンを商品やサービスの支払い資産として使用できます。
  • NFT:トークンと同様に、非代替トークン(NFT)は、プラットフォームを使用して保存および移動できます。NFTは、Nearエコシステム全体でNFTプロジェクトの開発を推進してきたテクノロジーです。


  • NEAR SDK:RustおよびAssemblyScript開発者向けの標準データ構造、例、およびテストツールを含む完全なSDK。
  • Gitpod for NEAR:オンライン統合開発環境(IDE)。これは、開発者がWebブラウザーからスマートコントラクトをすばやく作成、テスト、および展開できるようにNEARがカスタマイズしたものです。
  • NEAR Wallet:最終的には、ネットワーク上のステーキングおよびガバナンスプロセスへの所有者の参加を容易にする組み込み機能が含まれる予定です。
  • NEAR Explorer:これは、ユーザーがブロックチェーンからデータを抽出したり、管理されていないウォレットのトランザクションをチェックしたりできるようにするツールです。
  • NEARコマンドラインツール:開発者がローカル環境からアプリケーションを作成、テスト、および展開できるようにする一連の簡単なコマンドラインツール。



エンドユーザーの使いやすさ: Nearは、ユーザーにとってなじみのあるWebエクスペリエンスを可能にし、ユーザーがブロックチェーンの概念を学ぶ必要をなくします。

Developer Usability: Near has a number of supports for developers, allowing them to learn, develop, test, and deploy their applications easily:

  • Familiar Languages: Near supports contracts written in Rust and AssemblyScript. In the future, more common programming languages will be added, so developers have no need to learn an entirely new language to build applications.
  • Robust Tooling: NEAR’s development suite is created to support the developer workflow with a unified set of tools so developers can easily build, test and deploy applications.


NEAR uses a sharding approach which allows the network to increase its capacity, throughput, and finality as additional nodes participate.  This is done by dynamically splitting the network nodes into multiple shards, and eventually, each validator will process a certain amount of shards only. With this approach, the network can scale continuously as demand increases.


Thresholded Proof of Stake:  In order to ensure validators run correctly, validators are required to stake NEAR tokens, which guarantee their results. If these results are found to be inaccurate, the stakers will lose their tokens.  

The threshold is set at the lowest level possible to allow more nodes to participate and give the protocol more scalability.

What is Near Coin?

Near coin is the native asset of the Near Ecosystem. Its functionality is enabled for all accounts. Detailed token use cases could be found below.

Detailed information about Near coin

Key Metrics NEAR 

  • Token name: Near.
  • Ticker: Near.
  • Blockchain: NEAR Protocol.
  • Token Standard: NEP-141, ERC-20.
  • Contract: 0x85F17Cf997934a597031b2E18a9aB6ebD4B9f6a4 (ERC-20)
  • Token use cases: Utility, Governance.
  • Circulating Supply 473,222,631.
  • Total Supply 1,000,000,000.
  • Max Supply 1,000,000,000.

NEAR Token Allocation

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

NEAR Token Allocation

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

NEAR Token Allocation

NEAR Token Release Schedule

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

NEAR Token Release Schedule

  • Community Grants and Programs: Those tokens are released over 60 months.
  • Core Team: Each core team member has a 4-year lockup with a 12-month cliff after launch.
  • Prior Backers: Each backer has a lockup of between 12 and 36 months, with the majority of 24 months.
  • コミュニティセール:コミュニティセールは2020年8月に複数の部分で行われ、詳細は以下で説明します。販売期間中に配布された合計金額は、1億2000万トークンを超えました。これらのトークンのうち25Mはロックが解除され、残りは12か月または24か月の線形ロックアップの対象となります。
  • 初期のエコシステム:ロックアップは通常6か月または12か月ですが、少数または長いものもあります。
  • 財団基金:この基金は2つの部分に分かれています。ロックアップされていない前半は、ネットワークが初期段階でスムーズに動作することを保証するために展開されます。後半は、初期の間にアクセスされることが予想されないため、24か月の線形ロックアップの対象となります。
  • Operations Grants: these grants are expected to be first initiated during the second half of 2020 and early 2021. The tokens set aside for this purpose are subject to long-term 60-month linear lockups

NEAR Token Sale

Prior Fundraising: NEAR raised from backers in multiple portions, which are explained below:

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

Community Sale: The Community Sale occurred in August 2020 in multiple portions, at different sale prices. 25M of these tokens were unlocked and the remainder of 95M is subject to 12- or 24-month linear lockups.

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

NEAR Token Use Cases

NEAR coin is the fundamental native asset of the NEAR ecosystem and its functionality includes: 


  • Pay the system for processing transactions and storing data.
  • Run a validating node as part of the network by participating in the staking process.
  • DeFiスペースでの活動(農業、ステーキングなど)に参加するために使用されます




いくつかの手順で、 Coin98ウォレットにニアコインを保存、送信、受信できます。Coin98ウォレットでNearと取引する方法のガイドは次のとおりです。




What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin



Traders also can store, send, receive NEAR coin on Near wallets with a few single steps. The guides on how to make transactions with Near tokens on Near Wallet are as follows:

Step 1: Open Near wallet and click Receive.

Step 2: Send Near coin to the Near wallet address/Account ID.

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

How to store NEAR coin on NEAR Wallet

How to buy Near Tokens

You can use Coin98 Exchange to swap other tokens for NEAR coin following these simple steps on: https://exchange.coin98.com/

Step 1: Connect to the Coin98 Extension Wallet.

Step 2: Choose coins/tokens for trading:

  • Choose SushiSwap at the top of the trading screen.
  • Search Near.
  • If the token is not shown, insert the token address: 0x85F17Cf997934a597031b2E18a9aB6ebD4B9f6a4

Step 3: Adjust the amount you want to swap.

Step 4: Adjust the gas fee, then click Swap.

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

How to buy NEAR coin on Coin98 Exchange

Besides Coin98 Exchange, users can also trade NEAR tokens on other exchanges, such as Binance, Gate.io

Roadmap & Updates

The team has not revealed any details about its future roadmap. Only its mainnet was introduced and completed. Stay with Coin98 Insights for further news about the project.

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

Currently, NEAR is launching phase 0 of Simple Nightshade - its roadmap towards a fully sharded blockchain. Below is the detailed plan: 

  • Phase 0: Simple Nightshade - the team plans to launch phase 0 in November 2021.
  • Phase 1: Chunk-Only Producers – the team expects to deliver phase 1 in January 2022.
  • Phase 2: Nightshade – Increasing the Accessibility for Validators - the team expects to deliver phase 2 in Q3 2022.
  • Phase 3: Dynamic Resharding - the team expects to deliver phase 3 in Q4 2022.

For more details, please check out the protocol development roadmap

Is Near a good investment?

Even though the project has sped up substantially in the past several months, as of today, the number of projects built on it is still humble compared to other chains such as Solana (423 projects in all categories), Ethereum (220 DeFi projects), BSC (241 DeFi projects), etc. Near, therefore, is rich for further developments.

In total, Near is having 138 projects in all categories, 54 Dapps include 19 DeFi projects, 20 NFTs and Gaming projects, and 8 DAO projects. DeFi projects recently have moved pretty fast with notable ones such as Ref Finance, OIN Finance, Flux Protocol, Metapool, etc.

What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

Near’s Defi Stack is in demand for critical project creation. Currently, there is only one AMM DEX project - Ref Finance - built on it. OIN Finance - a lending/ borrowing project has just started; and Metapool - a liquid staking protocol in this week has announced its partnership with Ref Finance and OIN Finance to issue stUSD - the first stablecoin. Obviously, the whole ecosystem is accelerating. Near fans can consider doing further research and seek its hidden gems.

It also seems that Near’s current focus is on NFTs and Gaming projects. The number of NFTs and Gaming projects is beyond the number of DeFi’s projects, and dominant in the Ecosystem. There is still a doubt that whether Near will keep focusing on this lego however, Near fans can “skin-in-the-game” and hopefully projects will award airdrops or other kinds of retroactive. Some notable projects include Paras (NFTs), Cheddar Farm (NFTs), Shroom Kingdom (play-to-earn video game), etc.

Near has almost completed its infrastructure and is switching to Phase 0 of Simple Nightshade - a step towards a fully sharded blockchain. In this phase, Near aims to increase the throughput of the Network by splitting the current state into four shards. The team plans to launch phase 0 in November 2021.

Team, Investors, and Strategic partners


Erik Trautman - the CEO of NEAR Foundation: Erik is an entrepreneur who started 5 years on Wall Street in 2007 and left to create an open-source community. He led Viking Education as CEO until its acquisition in 2017.

Illia Polosukhin: Illia has more than 10 years of industry experience, including 3 years at Google as Engineering Manager in 2014. Currently, he has been working with Near Protocol as a co-founder since 2017.

Alexander Skidanov (Co-founder): Alex joined Microsoft in 2009 as a software developer and then joined MemSQL in 2011, where he worked for five years as a Senior Software Developer and Director of Engineering. Since June 2017, he has been working as the co-founder of Near Protocol along with Ilia Polosukhin.

The team has roughly 200 contributors in total and most of them are equipped with many years of experience and used to work for giant technology companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Consensys, etc.,


What is Near Protocol? Everything you need to know about NEAR Coin

Strategic partners

  • Aurora: an Ethereum Virtual Machine created by the team at the NEAR Protocol
  • Crust Network: is essentially an IPFS incentive layer protocol and a substrate-based blockchain that builds a decentralized storage network of Web3.0 ecosystem.
  • Octopus Network: a sidechain network to host Web3.0 application-specific blockchains, aka appchains, around NEAR protocol.
  • The Graph: an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.
  • Coin98 Wallet: Coin98 Wallet is the #1 non-custodial, multi-chain wallet and DeFi gateway, designed to seamlessly connect users to the crypto world in a safe and secure manner.


This article has included the most critical and detailed information on the Near Token. Please leave any questions you have below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

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