What is Horizon Land Metaverse? Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?

Horizon Land Metaverse is an immersive virtual world built on blockchain . The project provides engaging entertainment experiences and facilities to help players monetize their virtual property ownership. Horizon Land Metaverse's ecosystem includes: GameFi , SocialFi, NFT, LAND, DeFi, AR/VR... In this ecosystem, all stakeholders will receive benefits when they contribute their efforts to development. a sustainable ecosystem.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Horizon Land Metaverse's vision is to give players a decentralized platform that facilitates ownership, interoperability, and monetization. The new virtual world of Horizon Land Metaverse will also remove physical obstacles, enhance the user's living experience and open up more business opportunities for everyone in the world.

By joining the Horizon Land Metaverse, users can freely transform into characters such as landowners, creators or partners according to their preferences and needs. They are given the rights and tools to build their territory and create their own assets (in the form of NFTs), monetize their creativity and use attractive services under a transparent, trustworthy governance system. trust.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Elements in the world of Horizon Land Metaverse

LAND (Land)

Users can buy or auction LAND in Horizon Land to become a land owner. LANDs in the Horizon Land metaverse are virtual tokens (using the ERC-721 standard for NFT), representing actual ownership of user territories. As LAND owners, users can build, decorate, rent or trade their LAND. When you have a better position in the metaverse , your LAND will be more valuable.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Each LAND comes with a set of pre-built terrains, but it can be formatted and modified by its owner.

Several LAND size options that users can choose from: 1×1, 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, 5×5. Owners can also merge multiple blocks into one larger block.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Owners will also become creators who can create and monetize new content (NFT) and gameplay.

Horizon Land's metaverse is a mysterious region, consisting of three continents and an archipelago. Horizon Land has large cities with complete resources for users to exploit and experience.

NFT Avatar

NFT Avatar is a representation of users in the virtual world of Horizon Land, with different specifications. Avatars can be modified, retrofitted, or partially released by the owner. 

A specific format comes with a default set of animations such as walking, running, jumping or performing combat operations with various Game genres… In the first stage, for this Avatar feature, people Users will be able to change each part (helmet, arms, torso, legs, hair color, shoes...) and outfit by equipping it with different compatible tokens.

Depending on the level of involvement and creator requirements, players will need to pay a small fee to unlock full access.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Horizon Center

When trying to transport players to another world, especially the metaverse world, one of the most important factors is still providing them with a realistic experience. Horizon Land brings players into a new world that exists parallel to the real world, where they can live fully and run businesses on a worldwide scale.

Construct public facilities in Horizon's public areas including museums, central parks, and plazas. Details of the projects are as follows:

  • Public works: Museums, financial centers…
  • Public events: Exhibitions, entertainment…
  • Means of transport: Cars, buses…
  • Game events: Arena, game launch…
  • Ticket box

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Game Center (Game Center)

Horizon Land promotes the growth and sustainability of the games industry by equipping players with tools and environments where players can immerse themselves in the games they create.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

At Game Center, Horizon Land has:

Game Store: Horizon Land offers free GameFi metaverse for entertaining and money-making gaming, stimulating players with vivid 2D and 3D battles, periodic gameplay updates, and multiplayer features… The origin of the game will vary, be it from major Horizon Land game studio partners or even from the creators themselves. Not only can creators benefit from their games, but players can also be rewarded with a token, NFT. Horizon Land allows other titles to join their metaverse. Other game developers are encouraged to integrate their games on Horizon Land's metaverse so that they can access the huge database of users in this community.

Market: This is where you can trade your assets. It can be in-game items that you collect from battles or your own creations.

Creative Warehouse : This is where you are free to turn your ideas into reality.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Shopping Center (Shopping Center)

Horizon Land Metaverse provides modern and classy utilities to optimize the user experience. Horizon Land Metaverse gives users a feeling beyond their expectations. 

Players can easily visit Shopping Center anywhere to shop as much as they want and test products in different ways. In particular, reputable domestic and foreign brands will have an environment to approach more potential customers. This is an opportunity to bring in revenue and a new communication channel for the brand of most businesses. At the Shopping Center, players can:

  • Building Horizon shopping center for Shopping Center partners.
  • Partners can register for booths and display products at the trade center.
  • Users can visit and buy products.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Music Center (Music Center)

Music Center opens a new entertainment platform for users. At the same time, this is also an opportunity for creators to unleash their creativity and invest in Horizon Land Metaverse, users can choose to buy and sell new publications or releases. Here, players can:

  • Build a music store that sells albums and songs by artists or NFT
  • Artists and creators can subscribe to new publications
  • Users can buy and sell publications

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Finance Center

At the Finance Center, you can find a lot of information related to the cryptocurrency market and the use of DeFi services.

  • Provide and develop financial services at Finance Center.
  • Update market information and latest trends: Token list, price…
  • Cryptocurrency trading.
  • Token deposit for farming/margin, lending.
  • Sign up to open a liquidity pool, staking and lending.

At Horizon Land, you can find a lot of information related to the cryptocurrency market.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details


Horizon Land has a decentralized marketplace operated by smart contracts. The marketplace facilitates the free exchange of assets, be they in-game items collected from battles or created by users.

Besides, the market is operated on the principle of supply - demand, without the control of the center. Creators or players can set their own prices that match the value of the product and are ready to trade in markets of any size worldwide.

ZON will be the main token in all transactions on Horizon Land's Marketplace.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Play to Earn

Horizon Land built a dedicated game center with many different game genres for players to experience and play to earn attractive rewards including: Token, in-game NFT. There are many attractive features as well as various events such as:

  • PVP/PVE, Planet Exploration, Arena, Conquest…
  • Players can participate in the game feature to receive rewards or earn ZON tokens by performing in-game tasks. The maximum amount of ZON tokens earned per day or event is different.
  • Players collect in-game items or heroes and earn ZON tokens.

Social activities

Horizon Land enhances interoperability among users in the metaverse world with various communication features. Whether you're an individual looking to chat with your friends, a business representative looking to connect with your customers, or a community manager looking to stay in touch with a 24/7, worldwide community … Horizon Land will always support you in achieving those goals. Notably, all users will not incur any fees while performing the above-mentioned activities.

Experience Modes

Coming to Horizon Land Metaverse, users can experience it for free in two ways:

  • Third Person (3rd Person Mode): Players will experience it directly on the computer, controlling the character to experience the world of Horizon Land. 
  • VR mode (first-person view): VR mode through virtual reality glasses can enhance the player's experience to see a more beautiful, more realistic virtual reality space from transforming into NFT characters .

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Creators can participate in building and improving the user experience in Horizon Land's metaverse, and are rewarded with a small fee from Horizon Land's development capital.

Horizon Land Metaverse project developer, investor

Development team

The Horizon Land Metaverse development team consists of 45 full-time members. Some of the prominent members are:

Kevin Dang – CEO : He has 10 years of experience working in the game industry in the Southeast Asian market. Some outstanding games developed by him are: Vo Lam Chi Mong, Thien Nu, Tam Quoc Chi...

Harry Nguyen – COO : He has 7 years of experience in startups, SAAS, AI, blockchain… Before that, Harry worked as a financial advisor for companies like Deloitte, Unilever…

Linh Nguyen – CMO : Linh has more than 6 years of experience in strategic planning, communication, market research, data analysis… Linh has participated in many international projects with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Embassy. , Consulate General, multinational brands, international media partners.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details


Investors and partners of Horizon Land Metaverse, including Minted Lab, Pluto Digital, CoinMarketCap , BitKeep, ONTO, CertiK…

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

Horizon Land Metaverse development roadmap

Q4 2021 and Q1 2022

  • Market Research Metaverse, Games and NFT
  • Shaping the style for Horizon Land Metaverse
  • Design: Environment, content…
  • Business model

Second quarter of 2022

  • Build MVP Metaverse
  • Building Horizon Game Center
  • NFT & LAND Construction
  • Build development tools

3rd quarter of 2022

  • Cooperation with game publishers
  • Cooperation with GameGuilds
  • Cooperate with Universities to build E-learning features
  • Launching Beta Version Metaverse Platform
  • Launch Horizon Center
  • Metaverse Platform Launch: Chat, Teams Features
  • Launching Game Center: Horizon Land Game
  • Land consolidation and auction feature

Quarter 4 of 2022

  • IDO
  • Listing tokens on the exchange
  • Launch of Staking/Farming feature
  • Officially launched the metaverse 
  • Launching the NFT Market
  • Launch developer tools
  • Auction function on the NFT . Market
  • LAND Release Features: Lease

1st quarter of 2023

  • Launching the game tournament
  • Streaming campaign released
  • Integrated VR . mode
  • Organize metaverse festivals
  • Shop

ZON . token overview

What is ZON Token?

ZON is the main token in Horizon Land Metaverse with the following uses:

Governance : ZON is a governance token that allows holders to participate in the governance decisions of the platform. They can vote on key elements and updates in the Horizon Land metaverse. ZON holders can vote themselves or delegate voting rights to other players of their choice.

Staking/Farming : ZON can be Staking/Farming to generate passive income for owners.

Using Horizon Land's services : Users spend ZON to play games, buy LAND, trade properties on the market, use other services in the world of Horizon Land.

Exchange : Owners can trade ZON on exchanges.

Detailed information about ZON . token

  • Ticker: ZON
  • Blockchain Network: BNB Chain
  • Total Supply: 200,000,000 ZON

Detailed information about ZON token allocation rate and allocation schedule readers can follow the photo below.

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

What is Horizon Land Metaverse?  Horizon Land Metaverse World Details

You can store ZON tokens on wallets that support the BEP-20 token standard, such as MetaMask , Trust Wallet , etc.


Above is information about Horizon Land Metaverse project and ZON token. Horizon Land is a decentralized platform that allows players, creators and businesses to own a part of the metaverse world, participate in governance and economy, experience with game center, buy/sell LAND… In the future, Horizon Land's team will build a unique way for users to freely experience and immerse themselves in the virtual world of Horizon Land.

If you are interested in Horizon Land Metaverse, you can follow the project through some official channels such as: 

Website | Twitter | Telegram

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