Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」



  • Stablecoinとは何ですか?市場におけるステーブルコインの役割は何ですか?
  • ステーブルコインには何種類ありますか?それぞれの長所と短所は?
  • StablecoinはDeFi市場にどのように影響しますか?
  • Stablecoinに関するいくつかの興味深い洞察。
  • Stablecoinインデックスを追跡するためのいくつかのツール。





  • 安定資産の「安定」:安定資産は、市場の他の資産と比較して、安定性が高く、価格の変動性が低い資産と見なされます。それらは、USD、EUR、JPYのような法定通貨、または金、銀、石油などの商品である可能性があります。
  • 「コイン」は暗号通貨市場を表します。資産はデジタル化され、コインとしてトークン化されます。





それにもかかわらず、すべてのフィアット通貨が暗号交換によってサポートされているわけではありません。Stablecoinが存在しない場合、ユーザーはまず自国のフィアット通貨を米ドルに交換する必要があります(米ドルは世界中で支払い通貨として受け入れられているため)。次に、高コスト、高スプレッドの仲介業者(銀行など)を介して交換を続けます。 、複雑な手順、...暗号通貨トークンを取得する前。


  • 法定通貨:国全体の経済、特に米ドルに裏打ちされた非常に安定したタイプの資産。
  • 暗号通貨:ブロックチェーンテクノロジーに基づいており、透過的で、世界中に簡単に保存および転送できます。

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」



  • 市場修正中の資産の保管。
  • 投資家を他の暗号通貨に接続する一般的に使用される資産。
  • 暗号市場と従来の市場の間の架け橋(フィアット通貨を使用)。




  • フルリザーブのステーブルコイン(集中型ステーブルコイン)。
  • 過剰担保のステーブルコイン(分散型ステーブルコイン)。
  • 非予約ステーブルコイン(アルゴリズムステーブルコイン)。
  • 部分準備ステーブルコイン(部分準備銀行)。

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」




Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」


フルリザーブのステーブルコインは、実生活で法定通貨に裏打ちされたステーブルコインです。最もよく知られているケースは、USDT、USDC、およびBUSDがUSDに裏打ちされていることです。つまり、ブロックチェーンで作成された1 USDTごとに、1USDが実際に予約されます。


  • 100%米ドルで裏付けられています⇒非常に安定しています。
  • 組織または会社によって管理されます(集中型)。
  • 市場で最も一般的です。


  • 強さ:高い安定性(1ドルに固定)、低いボラティリティ、そして広く使用されています。
  • 弱点:法的な問題と透明性。

ニュースに定期的に注意を払うと、Centralized Stablecoinsが定期的に法的な問題、特にTetherUSDTに関するFUDに直面していることに気付くでしょう。2016年以来、テザーはビットフィネックスで市場を操作している疑いがあります。


Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」





  • 貸付プロトコルを通じて作成されます。
  • 1 DAIを作成するには、より多くの担保が必要です(資本効率が低い)。
  • 市場が崩壊しなければ非常に安定しています。



Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」


いくつかの著名な過剰担保ステーブルコイン:MakerDAO(MKR&DAI)、Venus(XVS&VAI)、Party Parrot(PRT&PAI)、...

  • 強み:過剰担保メカニズムを使用することにより、価格は約1ドルで安定しています。
  • 弱点:しかし、暗号市場は非常に不安定です。フラッシュダンプが発生した場合、大量の資産が直ちに清算されます。





非リザーブステーブルコイン、またはアルゴリズムステーブルコインは、裏付けのあるリザーブなしでミントされるステーブルコインです。 プロトコルはアルゴリズムを使用して、Stablecoinの循環供給を常に調整し、価格を1ドルに維持します。

Algorithmic Stablecoinの属性:

  • 担保資産は必要ありません(高い資本効率)。
  • 通常、価格を調整するには2〜3個のサイドトークンが必要です。
  • 効果がありません(価格を1ドルに固定できません)。





  • AMPL> $ 1の場合は、AMPLの供給を増やします。
  • AMPL <$ 1、= ""decrease="">の場合AMPL供給。
  • AMPL = $ 1の場合、AMPL供給を維持します。


リベースモデルに続くいくつかの著名なアルゴリズムステーブルコイン: AmpleForth(AMPL)、BASEプロトコル(BASE)、Yam Finance(YAM)、..




  • 2トークンモデル: Feiプロトコル(FEI&TRIBE)、空集合ドル(ESD&DSU)、Terra UST(LUNA&UST)、..
  • 3トークンモデル:ベーシックキャッシュ(BAS、BAC、BAB)、ミスリルキャッシュ(MIS、MIC、MIB)、ベーシスドル、UCASH、ダイナミックサプライ、、..


弱点:理論的には、Algorithmic Stablecoinは、フルリザーブStablecoinとOver-collat​​eralStablecoinの制限を解決できます。実際には、Algorithmic Stablecoinは、非常に高い売り圧力のために1ドルで価格を維持できないため、最も非効率的で非生産的なタイプです。

Algorithmic Stablecoinプロジェクトは通常、トークンの価格を維持するために強力で強固なコミュニティを持っていることを最初から当然のことと考えているため、これが当てはまります。彼らは、インセンティブプログラムがプロジェクトの多くの支持者を引き付けることができるという信念に依存しています。






  • 必要な担保はごくわずかです(平均資本効率)。
  • Algorithmic Stablecoinよりも優れた価格統制です、Full-backedStablecoinよりも変動性があります。 
  • アプリケーションがないため非効率的です。

1 FRAX(部分予約Stablecoin)を作成するには、ユーザーは1 FRAXの価格を補助するためにいくつかのStablecoin(現在はUSDTおよびUSDC)を所有している必要があります。この比率は、担保率が50%から100%の範囲で、FraxFinanceに従って調整できます。 

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」


いくつかの著名な部分予約ステーブルコイン:Frax Finance(FXS&FRAX)、...


弱点:現在、​​Frax Financeはこのアプローチを適用している唯一のプロジェクトであり、このセグメントに関心を持っている開発者はそれほど多くないことを示しています。リアルタイムデータは、FRAXの時価総額が非常に小さく、FXSにはDeFiまたはCeFiでのアプリケーションがあまりないことも示しています。




  • 透明性。
  • 安定。
  • スケーラビリティ。
  • 適用性。

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」




  • USDTはテザーとビットフィネックスによって支えられています。
  • USDCはCircleとCoinbaseによって支援されています。
  • BUSDはBinanceによって支援されています。
  • DAIは、トップ2の融資プロトコルであるMakerDAOに支えられています。
  • USTはTerraFoundationとLUNAによって支援されています。

Stablecoinの透明性は、ユーザーが追跡ツールにアクセスできるかどうか、つまり、ユーザーがトークンの総供給量とブロックチェーン上のトランザクションを追跡できるかどうかによって評価できます。ただし、USDTやUSDCのような集中型ステーブルコインの場合、Vault of TetherまたはCircle内にロックされたUSDの量がミントされたステーブルコインに関連しているかどうかは不明であるため、それらの透明性は依然として疑わしいです。



したがって、Stablecoinがそのペグを着実に維持できない場合、そのStablecoinを保管資産として使用することはできません。次の図では、2つのStablecoins DAI(MakerDAO)とUSDP(ユニットプロトコル)が比較されます。

DAIの価格は1ドル前後で安定していましたが、USDPの値は通常0.95ドルに下がり、1 DAIと比較して5%下落しました。

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」







つまり、1913年に100ドルで10 kgの米を購入できたとしても、2019年には100ドルで1kg未満の米しか購入できませんでした。これは、米国が金と石油の基準を放棄し、FEDがその価値を裏付ける物理的資産なしで自由にお金を印刷できるようにしたために起こりました。このイベントは米ドルで巨大なインフレを引き起こしました。


Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」






USDTとUSDCに加えて、BUSDはBinance Exchangeの取引資産として使用されるだけでなく、Binance Smart ChainのDeFiプロトコルにも実装されているため、Binanceのおかげで急速に成長しているもう1つのStablecoinです。




  • USDTは流動性が高く、滑りが少ないため、主にOTC(店頭)市場に適用されます。
  • USDTやUSDCのようなステーブルコインはDeFiプロトコルで広く受け入れられており、スワッピング、貸し出し、農業に簡単に使用できます。





  • テザー(USDT):CeFiの集中型ステーブルコインを表します。
  • USD Coin(USDC): DeFiの集中型ステーブルコインを表します。
  • Binance USD(BUSD): CeFiとDeFiの両方で集中型ステーブルコインを表します。
  • Dai(DAI): DeFiの過剰担保ステーブルコインを表します。
  • TerraUSD(UST):アルゴリズムメカニズムとLUNAを使用して、フルリザーブのステーブルコインを表します。

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」



  • 時価総額: 680億ドル(#1)。
  • デプロイされたチェーンの数(ラップされたアセットを含む): 17。






  • 時価総額: 320億ドル(#2)。
  • デプロイされたチェーンの数(ラップされたアセットを含む): 12。




Binance USD-BUSD 

  • 時価総額:130億ドル(#3)。
  • デプロイされたチェーンの数(ラップされたアセットを含む): 3+。

Binance USDは、BinanceとPaxos(PAX Stablecoinの管理会社であり、最近ティッカーをUSDPに変更)の協力により作成された製品です。BUSDはUSDC、USDT、DAIの後にリリースされたという事実にもかかわらず、BUSDは最も急速に成長しています。 


2021年3月にBinanceSmartChainが現象として爆発したとき、BinanceはBinance Smart ChainのBUSDの発行率を上げ、USDTやUSDCと同じように流動性プールのペアリング資産にし、最近BUSDの驚異的な成長をもたらしました。

Though BUSD is applied in both DeFi and CeFi, its Scalability outside the Binance ecosystem is strictly limited. This situation is pretty understandable because no competitor wants Binance to dominate the market.

Dai - DAI

  • Market Cap: $6.5B (#4).
  • Number of chains deployed (including Wrapped assets): 7+.

DAI is an Over-collateral Stablecoin created by the lending protocol MakerDAO. At the moment, MakerDAO is the top 4 lending project in crypto with over $12.7B TVL (Total Value Locked). The Market Cap of DAI is around $6.5B, showing that the Collateral ratio is currently around 49%.

Not only does MakerDAO allow common assets to be used as collateral, but it also supports the collateralizing of LP tokens from Uniswap, helping MakerDAO attract many more users through its diversity. 

The advantage of MakerDAO was being founded really early, forming a substantial Network Effect. In terms of coverage across different DeFi ecosystems, DAI is even more popular than BUSD, and only behind USDT and USDC.

Terra USD - UST

  • Market Cap: $2.6B (#5).
  • Number of chains deployed (including Wrapped assets): 3+.

Terra USD is a very special Stablecoin as it is the combination of a Full-reserve Stablecoin and an Algorithmic Stablecoin. To maintain the peg price at around 1 USD, Terra USD is backed by LUNA (Full-reserve) and has its price adjusted by an algorithmic mechanism (transfer the price volatility to LUNA).

The success of UST comes from 2 factors:

The first is an effective work model. This was proved through the market collapse on May 19, 2021, which made LUNA price fall from $16 to $4.

If the same thing happened to ETH, MakerDAO and DAI would definitely be considerably affected as ETH was the biggest collateral asset, therefore activating a Domino chain of constant liquidations. However, after that event, UST still stood steadily thanks to the anti-price manipulation mechanism, and then quickly returned to its peg.

The second is the support from the Terra ecosystem (#3 DeFi ecosystem in terms of TVL). UST seems to be the one and only Stablecoin of the ecosystem. As a result, all protocols inside Terra try to capture the value for UST. The most prominent protocol among them is Anchor, a lending platform that allows UST saving with up to 20% APR.

Data analysis of Stablecoin

I hope that with the analysis above, you have visualized the work model of Stablecoins in the market. How can they succeed, and how can they take over the market? In this part, I will dive deeper into the influence of Stablecoins on the crypto market through data analysis.

The Market Cap of Stablecoins

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」

Stablecoins' Market Cap over time.

Market Cap ranking: USDT (#1), USDC (#2), BUSD (#3), DAI (#4), UST (#5), TUSD (#6).

According to the data above, the Market Cap of USDT is overwhelming at $68B, two times higher than that of USDC, even though no other Stablecoins in the market can surpass USDC.

The chart above also shows the two main periods of the crypto market:

Accumulating period (2018 - mid 2020)

In this period, Stablecoins grew slowly but steadily. This matched the market condition at that time when most crypto participants were retail investors, and the DeFi market didn’t receive much attention. 

Furthermore, the Market Cap of the whole crypto market was really small, so every action from Tether brought about a huge influence. Every time Tether announced to “issue” more Stablecoins, the price of BTC pumped along.

Booming period (mid 2020 - now)

Forward to the second period, the market received more attention from whale investors and hedge funds, attracting a massive cash flow into the crypto market. The DeFi market gradually became more complete and appealing to the builders and investors.

Since September 2020 to now, the DeFi TVL has increased from $1B to more than $191B. The tremendous growth of DeFi has created a high demand for Stablecoin.

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」

The Market Cap of USDT compared to other Stablecoins.

Although Tether's Market Cap is still overwhelming compared to other Stablecoins, USDC is also worth noting. If you take a close look at mid 2020, you will notice that the Market Cap of USDC rose incredibly fast, and it was at the same time when DeFi started its tremendous growth. That is the reason why when it comes to the DeFi market, I usually prioritize tracking USDC activities over others. 

⇒ USDT and USDC are the two key Stablecoins in the market, so we should follow their activities closely because Stablecoins can be regarded as the cash flow supporting the market growth.

The correlation between the Market Cap of Cryptocurrency, Stablecoin and DeFi

In the second period, the short-term price pumps of Bitcoin have been separated from Tether’s announcements on issuing Stablecoins. Nonetheless, Stablecoins will still be exerting an enormous influence on the market in the long term, as Stablecoins are the gateway for users to get access to the market and the inside assets.

More specific details can be illustrated in the pictures below. The growth of the market has brought along the demand for Stablecoins, and when Stablecoins were minted to satisfy the market’s demand, DeFi was the most rapidly growing sector.

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」

The correlation between the Market Cap of Cryptocurrency, Stablecoin and DeFi.

But if you take a look at the time around May 2021, when the growth of Stablecoins slowed down, the crypto market in general and the DeFi market in particular collapsed shortly after (on May 19, 2021).

However, the Market Cap of the Stablecoin sector did not decline but actually slightly increased, showing that Tether and Circle (2 big companies in the field) did not burn Stablecoins out of the market. This indicates that the number of investors going into the market was still higher than the number of investors going out.

Consequently, in late July 2021, the crypto market witnessed a strong recovery thanks to the afore-minted Stablecoins in the market.

⇒ In the long term, the growth of Stablecoins is the key to speculate the growth of the whole crypto market. If you are following the DeFi market, don’t miss out on any moves from USDC as it is currently the fastest growing Stablecoin in DeFi.

Stablecoin Dominance

Stablecoin Dominance is the measure of Stablecoin’s Market Cap relative to the Market Cap of the rest of the coins. Here is an example of the USDT Dominance index (USDT.D) from Tradingview.

Although there are still a variety of Stablecoins in the market, the Market Cap of USDT takes up more than 50% of the market, and it has been acknowledged as the representative index of the whole Stablecoin segment, so we will analyze the movement of USDT.D.

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」

How USDT Dominance is related to the market condition.

  • USDT.D increases ⇒ investors are selling Altcoins for USDT investors hold more USDT. A typical example is the market collapse on May 19, 2021 when USDT.D rose dramatically.
  • On the contrary, USDT.D decreases ⇒ investors are using USDT to buy Altcoins ⇒ the market is in the Altcoin Season. The two most recent Altcoin seasons are from September 2020 to March 2021, and from August 2021 to now.

We can rely on the USDT.D index to define the market trend, therefore understanding the right time to invest, and the right time to take profit.

Stablecoins in DeFi ecosystems

As analyzed above, Stablecoins play an important role in being the gateway for the cash flow from the Fiat-currency market to the cryptocurrency market.

If you are aware of how the cash flow in the crypto market transfers between different layers, then Stablecoins play the same role of allowing investors to transfer their funds from the crypto market (macro) to blockchain ecosystems (micro).

In this part, I will analyze 3 Case Studies of 3 blockchain ecosystems. Namely Terra, Solana and Avalanche, so you can understand the role of Stablecoins in the growth of DeFi ecosystems.

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The Market Cap and TVL of Terra (left) and Solana (right).

Case Study 1: How did Terra USD foreshadow the growth of the Terra ecosystem?

Recently, we have witnessed the substantial growth of the Terra ecosystem with its TVL surpassing $6B, becoming the third largest ecosystem in the market behind Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in terms of TVL.

The increase in TVL has produced a positive effect on the LUNA price, increasing the price of LUNA 700% since the market crash in May 2021. The question is, how could the TVL in Terra increase so rapidly?

The main catalyst is the Market Cap growth of Terra UST - the one and only Stablecoin in Terra. If you notice the chart above more carefully, you can see that when the DeFi TVL in the ecosystem rose, the UST Market Cap had seen an explosive growth 2 months before that, exceeding TrueUSD (TUSD) and Paxos (PAX) - two prominent Stablecoins in the market.

Case Study 2: USDC & Solana - the cooperation that grew Solana tremendously

Since February 2021, when the crypto market was not yet active, Circle and Solana Foundation had already started to issue more USDC into the Solana ecosystem to develop DeFi. Afterwards, in May 2021, the DeFi sector on Solana began to attract more users and reached $1.5B TVL. 

During that period, the price of SOL (Solana native token) rose from $10 (February 2021) to $50 (May 2021). Even though a market crash happened shortly after, the number of Stablecoins on Solana continued to rise. In fact, the pace of issuing Stablecoins on Solana at that time was even faster than when the market was extremely active. 

And the result is crystal clear: Since July 2021 to now, the cash flow into the Solana ecosystem has not stopped, helping the DeFi TVL to reach $3B. Every token in the Solana ecosystem has been growing tremendously (SOL, SRM, RAY, MNGO, SBR, ORCA,...) especially SOL has recovered from $25 to $170 at the time of this writing.

Case Study 3: Avalanche got in the sight of Tether 

Tether has been deployed on multiple chains. Although the Market Cap of Tether on Tron and Ethereum accounts for the most, Tether has not issued any additional USDT on Tron, Omni, EOS, Algorand,... since earlier this year. Instead, Tether has now focused on Ethereum, Solana and Avalanche.

This resulted from the fact that they were the three immensely developed DeFi ecosystems. To compete with USDC, Tether quickly supported  USDT on Avalanche to help the growth of the Avalanche ecosystem, therefore assisting tokens on Avalanche (AVAX, PNG, SNOB, XAVA) in recovering after the market collapse. 

Aside from the Market Cap and Dominance index, the pace of growth is also an imperative index to track. For instance, even though the number of USDT on Solana is still incredibly small, at the same time, it is increasing at the most rapid pace compared to other ecosystems. Will that case happen again, but this time with Avalanche?

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The number of USDT on different blockchains.

In conclusion, the investment opportunities do not come from Stablecoins, but from the movement of the market and of different blockchain ecosystems. Stablecoins help you to navigate that movement.


However, this case is only applicable to ecosystems with small TVL like Solana, Polygon, Terra, Avalanche, Fantom,... because when the ecosystem’s TVL is still insubstantial, the influence of issuing Stablecoins will be more immense, hence creating a motivation for the ecosystem to thrive.

To comprehensively developed ecosystems such as Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, issuing Stablecoins does not matter that much as the number of Stablecoins being issued is too insignificant compared to the DeFi TVL of that ecosystem.

To speculate the cash flow efficiently, you have to:

  • Analyze the macro cash flow: Different blockchain ecosystems.
  • Analyze the micro cash flow: Different layers, different categories inside each DeFi ecosystem.
  • Create a Watchlist filtered by categories.

Some useful tools to track Stablecoin indexes:

  • Coinmarketcap: Check the Market Cap here.
  • TheBlock: Follow the Supply of Stablecoins on different blockchains here.
  • CryptoQuant: Follow Stablecoin Exchange Flows here.

Stablecoin reserve on exchanges

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Stablecoin reserve on exchanges.

Similar to the index of BTC Inflow & Outflow, the Stablecoin Exchanges Inflow & Outflow index allows investors to track the buy demand of the market. There are 2 circumstances:

  • The Stablecoin reserve on CEXs increases ⇒ investors deposit funds into exchanges to buy Stablecoinsindicate a high buy demand.
  • The Stablecoin reserve on CEXs decreases ⇒ investors withdraw funds out of exchanges to take profitindicate a low buy demand.

In the long term, this index is correct to some extent. Before Bitcoin reached ATH (All-time high) in March 2021, the Stablecoin Reserve index had increased dramatically in November 2020 (5 months before). Before Bitcoin recovered in August 2021, the Stablecoin Inflow index had also risen significantly in June 2021.

However, the crypto market moves really quickly but this index does not show responsive signs in the short term (about 1 month). That is why this index should only be regarded as an additional tool to gather more information rather than a primary one, compared to the aforementioned methods.

How have Stablecoins evolved?

After going through some prominent Stablecoins, how they work and how they influence the crypto market, we will now look at the evolution of Stablecoins, hence defining the period we are at and predicting future Stablecoin movements. 

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The evolution of Stablecoin.

First period (2014 - 2017): Pioneers in the Stablecoin sector

At an early stage of the first period, Stablecoins had the sole purpose of tokenizing all popular Fiat Currencies across the globe. Stablecoins were used mainly to resolve the problem of transactions’ cost and speed of the traditional financial system. 

The most prominent of all was Bitshares, a platform founded by Charles Hoskinson (Ethereum's Co-founder and Cardano’s Founder). Bitshares tokenized a wide range of currencies, including CNY (BitCNY), Euro (BitEUR), USD (BitUSD), Gold (BitGOLD),...

Nevertheless, in order to create Fiat-backed cryptocurrencies, users had to collateralize BitShares with a larger amount. As BitShares were highly volatile, the value of Stablecoins such as BitUSD, BitEUR,... was not stable. Not to mention that with low liquidity, BitShares could be easily manipulated by speculators.

Stablecoin Analysis:暗号のキャッシュフローをナビゲートする「コンパス」

Compare Bit USD with DAI.

Fast forward to the end of the first period which is about 2017. The crypto market started to be recognized, and other Stablecoins like DAI and USDT started to appear. DAI was created and sustained up to this moment due to the incredibly high demand for lending & borrowing in the market. The stability of DAI was also better.

Meanwhile, USDT was backed by a gigantic force - Bitfinex. Bitfinex used to be the largest exchange in 2017, until Binance attracted more retail investors to its platform though most whales still stayed in Bitfinex. The substantial influence of Bitfinex at that time was the main catalyst that kept USDT stable around its peg and stood still till now.

Second period (2018): The boom of Stablecoins

The first period was the prerequisite for the second period, which was the most booming period of Stablecoins. The market witnessed the advent of various Stablecoin platforms as this was also the time when the crypto market became “Mainstream” in 2017, after Bitcoin reached an ATH of $20,000.

The demand to invest in Bitcoin as well as the demand for Stablecoins increased. To compete with USDT being backed by Bitfinex, a variety of exchanges issued their own Stablecoins (Gemini issued GUSD), whereas payment platforms also did the same thing (Paysend).

Stablecoins became a “trend” for whales to increase their influences on the crypto market that was already small. If you take a closer look at the illustration above, you can see that in 2018, more than 57 Stablecoin platforms appeared, ranging from Full-reserve Stablecoins to Over-collateral Stablecoins and Algorithmic Stablecoins.

This was also the time when Stablecoins that later became dominant made their debuts, namely Circle (USDC), Paxos (PAX), TrueUSD (TUSD),... they are the three major competitors of Tether (USDT).

Third period (2019-2021): Selection and elimination

From my perspective, the Stablecoin sector is currently in this period. After the booming phase in 2018-2019, myriads of Stablecoin projects appeared, at the same time a large number of projects showed their weaknesses. 

Which is the main reason why in the third period, the market will begin the selection and elimination process, especially the recession of Algorithmic Stablecoin projects as they are not working efficiently (cannot maintain the peg price).

You can visualize the situation more clearly through the picture below along with the market’s real-time data. Over 200 Stablecoin projects have been developed, but the number of active and productive projects is only around 10 (USDT, USDC, BUSD,...). More and more Stablecoin projects are gradually fading into oblivion. 

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The number of active Stablecoins, in development, and closed.

Fourth period (2021+): Expand

The most important keyword to define the third and the fourth period is the Network Effect. As mentioned earlier, the Stablecoin segment is exceptionally competitive. 

Among over 200 projects, only nearly 10 of them have an influence on the market. This forces Stablecoin platforms to constantly develop and expand so as to account for as much of the market as possible, including both DeFi and CeFi.

Except for USDT dominating the market for so long, USDC is a noteworthy Stablecoin in the fourth period. Officially launched in 2018 (3 years after Tether), USDC quickly deployed its Stablecoin on 10+ blockchains and focused mainly on the DeFi market, which was growing tremendously at that time. This approach made USDC more well-known than USDT in the DeFi market.

At the moment, BUSD is still following the Network Effect improvement scheme. Binance has been listing more BUSD trading pairs, issuing more BUSD to be used in the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, with a vision of replacing USDT and USDC.

In the future, UST will definitely increase its Network Effect by accessing the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem and the Solana ecosystem - the two ecosystems possessing the largest cash flow behind Ethereum.

Anticipate the future of Stablecoin 

Stablecoin weaknesses

We have gone through the approach and evolution of Stablecoins. So how can they be improved in the future to get rid of the current weaknesses? The answer to this question can be found in this part.

If you notice, Stablecoins are having 2 major issues without a solution which are Transparency and Applicability:

  • Transparency: Centralized Stablecoins often receive FUDs about legal issues, especially Tether USDT. Since 2016 to now, Tether has been frequently suspected of manipulating the market together with Bitfinex as the market has had the tendency to go upward whenever Tether issued its Stablecoins, and the market would start a correction whenever Tether stopped.
  • Applicability: Stablecoins such as USDT and USDC are broadly applied in the crypto market while that is not the case in the traditional market as they are not widely used as a payment method.

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How Tether printing USDT affected the market.

Developing Stablecoins 

Major companies are trying to create a Stablecoin that can solve both of the above problems, which can look like:

  • Legally compatible with every country.
  • Stable peg price, fast and transparent transactions with the blockchain technology.
  • The ability to expand from Traditional Finance to Cryptocurrency Finance.
  • Widely applied as a payment method in real life just like in DeFi.

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Some potential Stablecoins in development.

4 Stablecoins that are currently developing to satisfy the above requirements are:

1. Telegram TON

Pavel Durov - the founder of Telegram has been trying to issue a Stablecoin with high stability and high liquidity. However, he gave up the project after being pressured by SEC on the legal aspect.

2. Libra

During the past time, Facebook has been trying to create Libra and make it a global currency. Libra will be backed 50% by USD, 18% by EUR, 14% by JPY, 11% by GBP and 7% by SGD. However, it didn’t take long for Libra to fail as the Congress of the United States realized the threat of a private company competing with a public bank. 

However, their ambition seems to remain enormous because after the failure of Libra, Facebook created Diem - Libra 2.0. At the moment, they have been able to cooperate with a variety of partners in the finance department in order to start expanding and integrating with social media applications like Facebook, Whatsapp,...

3. LPM Coin

JP Morgan - one of the biggest banks in the world, plans on creating JPM Coin, a Stablecoin that can replace the obsolete payment system Swift. Nonetheless, they have not made any further announcement. If JP Morgan successfully introduces their product, other major banks like HSBC, Citibank, Wells Fargo will also participate in the play.

4. CBDC 

The last Stablecoin, at the same time the most realistic one is CBDC. CBDC is short for Central Bank Digital Currency. Currently, many Western banks and China banks have been experimenting with the CBDC model and tried to apply it to their work models.

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The difference between Traditional Banknote and CBDC.

Although there are still some limitations such that it is not yet possible to be applied worldwide, CBDC can be considered a Stablecoin comprehending all the benefits that the blockchain technology brings, namely transparency, tracing ability to prevent money laundering, low transaction cost, high speed.

There is no doubt that CBDC will be applied in the future by not only commercial banks but also public banks. Moreover, the Covid 19 event taking place all around the world has shown how important CBDC can be to the global economy in the future.

When everyone has difficulties in commuting and using cash, CBDC becomes an optimal solution for the financial market to operate smoothly.

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Covid-19 motivates the growth of Digital Banking.

Investment opportunities with Stablecoins

In terms of investment opportunities with Stablecoins, I can distribute into 2 types:

  • Using the Stablecoin indexes to find investment opportunities.
  • Directly speculating using Stablecoins.

Now let’s go through each type of investment.

Discover investment opportunities through Stablecoin indexes

As mentioned above, Stablecoin is not the sector to invest in. The best way to make a profit from Stablecoin is to observe its movement and make decisions based on the cash flow.

Anytime Stablecoins are issued in an ecosystem, the cash flow immediately has the tendency to get into that ecosystem: 

  • Terra USD grew ⇒ LUNA, MIR, ANC grew.
  • Tether and Circle issued their Stablecoins on Solana ⇒ SOL, SRM, RAY, MNGO, SBR grew.
  • Tether issued Stablecoin on Avalanche ⇒ AVAX, XAVA, PNG, JOE,... grew.

So in order to not miss any market trend, you have to observe and track them before they “take off”. Here are some useful questions that can help you find your own insights:

  • Which blockchain ecosystem has the most Stablecoins?
  • Which blockchain ecosystem are StableCoins being issued on?
  • How can Stablecoin’s pace of growth be compared between different ecosystems?
  • Which ecosystem is expanding the DeFi space (as expanding DeFi requires more Stablecoins)?

Most recently, multiple ecosystems have announced their DeFi incentive programs, including:

  • Celo with $100M.
  • Terra with 50M $LUNA.
  • Avalanche with $180M.
  • Algorand with 150M $ALGO.
  • Harmony with $300M.
  • Fantom with 370M $FTM.

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Incentive programs in different blockchains.

It is worth following the Stablecoin movement in these ecosystems and see if they are issuing any new Stablecoin or cooperating with any 3rd-party to do so.

Directly investing using Stablecoins

Nevertheless, if you own a large amount of capital and want to earn with zero risk in this market, using Stablecoins can still be the way to go.

Although the Yield is not as high as using Altcoins, using Stablecoins allows you to be flexible regardless of the market condition. Here are some advisable methods:

1. Lending (4 - 8% APR)

You can deposit Stablecoins on CEXs or lending platforms to receive savings. The advantage of using Lending is its simple interactions, transparent interest, and optional deposit period.

Here are some platforms that you can use Stablecoins to earn savings:

CEX: Binance, Huobi, Gate, MXC, OKEx,...

Centralized Lending: NEXO, BlockFi,...

Decentralized Lending: 

  • Ethereum: Aave, Compound, MakerDAO, InstaDapp,...
  • Binance Smart Chain: Venus, Alpaca Finance, Rabbit Finance,...
  • Solana: Port Finance, Solend.
  • Terra: Anchor Protocol.

However, the disadvantage of using Lending protocols is that the interest rate is pretty low, ranging from 4-8%/year. If you want to receive higher yields, take a look at Farming.

2. Farming (20 - 40% APR)

Farming is the approach to provide liquidity for decentralized exchanges to receive platform fees and the native token of the platform. To follow this way, you have to know some basic actions in DeFi, like providing liquidity.

The advantage of Farming is a higher yield with up to 20-40% per year, which is a really high interest rate. In Viet Nam, if you deposit USD, you won’t even receive interest. Whereas if you deposit VND, you will earn a 7% interest rate but the annual inflation rate is even higher than USD.

DeFi is really a gateway bringing a vast amount of opportunities to earn yields, and you can totally use Stablecoins to make a profit before actually investing in the market. Here are some Stablecoin AMM platforms that you can use for Farming:

  • Ethereum: Curve Finance, mStable, Snowswap.
  • Binance Smart Chain: Ellipsis, Belt Finance, MDEX.
  • Solana: Saber.

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Farming Stablecoins.

However, Farming on decentralized protocols has some particular risks, especially in the case of the protocol being hacked, which is why you should distribute your Stablecoin into smaller parts and use them on prestigious and high TVL platforms.


Here are some insights that you can use to find investment opportunities with Stablecoins:

  • The Stablecoin sector does not possess many investment opportunities, but can be used as a tool to navigate the market trend.
  • Observing and following the Market Cap of Stablecoins from the market outlook (macro) to each ecosystem (micro) can help you discover your own investment opportunities.
  • Carefully notice the movement of 4 following Stablecoins: USDT, USDC, BUSD, and UST. Here are the 4 most used Stablecoins in both DeFi and CeFi.
  • Pay attention to where those Stablecoins are being issued, and in which ecosystem the Stablecoin’s growth pace is the fastest. Answer to yourself why?
  • You should spend your Stablecoins on Farming or Lending. This earns you a passive income, at the same time reduces your “tendency” to FOMO when the market grows tremendously. Most importantly, it can help you to be flexible in any market conditions.









Binance Smart Chain(BSC)とEthereumのDeFi比較-ガス料金の削減は利点ですか?

Binance Smart Chain(BSC)とEthereumのDeFi比較-ガス料金の削減は利点ですか?

プロジェクトは、DEX、Lending&Borrowing、Yield Optimization、NFTなどを含むBinanceSmartChainの5つの領域に属しています。






















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