初始權益池發行 (ISPO) - Cardanos 無風險籌款方法
就市值而言,卡爾達諾現在僅落後於以太坊和比特幣。讓我們了解 Cardano 生態系統並探索潛在的機會!
Cardano 自 2015 年以來一直處於開發階段,對於 Cardano 社區和 Cardano 團隊來說,實現這一願景是一段漫長的旅程。就市值而言,卡爾達諾現在僅落後於以太坊和比特幣。
在 Cardano 的智能合約主網之後,數百個新的創業團隊正在區塊鏈之上構建 Dapps,構建整個加密貨幣大都市。
Cardano 的 Alonzo 智能合約主網升級。
在本文中,您需要了解有關 Cardano 生態系統的大量有用信息以及來自 Coin98 Insights 的一些預測。
簡而言之,Cardano是第三代區塊鏈,它使用 Proof-of-Stake 共識機制來構建一個去中心化的區塊鏈世界。卡爾達諾採用科學方法,逐步組裝每個樂高積木,從頭開始構建完整的區塊鏈。
卡爾達諾網站:https ://cardano.org/
卡爾達諾的觀點是成為一個開發具有多資產和智能合約集成的去中心化應用程序的平台。由於 Cardano 的願景雄心勃勃,與其他現有區塊鏈相比,開發進度相對緩慢。
當前流通的 ADA 代幣中有超過 70% 用於驗證 ADA 池中的區塊,這一比例相對較高,使得 ADA 代幣有些稀缺。
憑藉最先進的技術,例如PoS 共識機制和多層解決方案,Cardano 可以在不犧牲安全功能的情況下進行可持續擴展。
Project Catalyst 是一個由社區管理的基金,它決定了生態系統發展的重要優先事項。ADA的穿透率越高,財政部的資金就越多。因此,Cardano 擁有強大的去中心化啟動平台,以及用於分配有價值資金的治理系統。讓我們看看去中心化基金的積極表現。
項目催化劑。資料來源: Cardians_
資料來源:Cardanoscan.io。更新日期:2022 年 2 月 19 日。
卡爾達諾上的 DApp
2021 年 9 月,Cardano 團隊將通過硬分叉組合活動將智能合約帶到 Cardano。為了為 Cardano 生態系統做出貢獻,無數著名的 Dapp 正在區塊鏈上構建。當構建在 Cardano 區塊鏈上時,這些 DApp 將繼承區塊鏈的所有先進技術特性。
2021 年底,卡爾達諾迎來了許多知名風險投資加入生態系統。不能再看不見了,機構資本開始注意到快速發展的卡爾達諾生態系統。風險投資將創造強有力的敘述並帶來更多的支持者,使加密貨幣遊樂場更加豐富。
卡爾達諾路線圖。資料來源: Cardians_
Byro 09/2017:花了 3 年時間才完成。Cardano 團隊專注於構建核心網絡的基礎設施和基於學術的架構以使其運行。Daedalus 錢包和 Yoroi 錢包被集成到 Cardano 區塊鏈中,為客戶提供存儲他們的 ADA 代幣。此外,ADA 在大多數主要交易所上市。
Shelly 07/2020:去中心化是 Cardano 區塊鏈的重要階段。在這個階段,Cardano 社區參與了節點的開發,以從礦池中獲得 ADA 獎勵。還有代表團和激勵計劃的介紹。
Goguen 09/2021:智能合約允許世界各地的開發人員和初創公司在 Cardano 區塊鏈上擴展他們的想法,無論他們的編程語言如何。在這個等待已久的時代,開發者可以創建原生代幣、多資產賬本,甚至發行穩定幣。
Basho(現在): Cardano 平台將快速擴展。在 Hydra 的幫助下,交易速度將高達百萬 TPS。元數據和多鏈將在 Cardano 區塊鏈上發揮作用。
伏爾泰:稱為治理時代。Ada 持有者將有權投票決定卡爾達諾未來的變化。鏈上治理意味著卡爾達諾區塊鏈完全轉移到持有 ADA 的社區。
⇒ 目前,我們正處於專注於擴展 Cardano 區塊鍊及其之上的生態系統的 Basho 時代。卡爾達諾團隊發布了一項計劃,其中包括擴展區塊鏈平台的方法,因為卡爾達諾用戶有時會對區塊鏈速度感到沮喪。
卡爾達諾生態系統。資料來源: Cardians_
從幾個到數百個建立在 Cardano 之上的 Dapps,儘管有關於 Cardano 和 ADA 價格的“幽靈鏈”和“穩定幣”笑話,但生態系統正在蓬勃發展。
卡爾達諾生態系統是 ADA 代幣上漲的巨大動力。許多新項目決定通過公平啟動計劃分發他們的代幣。這基本上意味著 ADA 持有者可以委託項目池或相關合作夥伴中的代幣,以獲得有或沒有 ADA 獎勵的項目代幣。
卡爾達諾現在不僅專注於開發區塊鏈生態系統,還專注於卡爾達諾社區的活動。卡爾達諾基金會直接資助了多個雄心勃勃的項目,其中一些被提出在Project Catalyst上,形成了卡爾達諾的深遠影響。
為了擴大卡爾達諾的社會影響,一些項目正在非洲運行,例如,EMPOWA 讓每個人都能負擔得起房產,或者 Grow Your Stake 將所有 ADA 獎勵轉移到為欠發達社區提供可持續用水的賭注中。
EMPOWA:https ://empowa.io/
一般來說,Cardano 因部署環保項目(如 Green Stakepool)而受到讚賞,或者最近 OpenLitterMap 是一個基於 Cardano 元數據的開放數據庫,用於定位垃圾和垃圾。
OpenLitterMap:https ://openlittermap.com/
Adapools 是一個基於網站的工具,用於監控礦池和分析 Cardano 區塊鏈上的數據。為方便用戶,ADApools 已集成到 Yoroi 錢包和 Daedalus 錢包中。
ADApools:https ://adapools.org/
Blockfrost 是一個基於 Web 的平台,用於在 Cardano 區塊鏈上提供 API 服務。它消除了複雜性,以便客戶可以在 Cardano 上創建自己的去中心化應用程序。
目前,Cardano 上的去中心化交易所正在飛速發展。大約有 25 個 DEX 受到關注,並密切關注,以免錯過任何情緒。我們可以在以下兩個詳細的信息圖中看到關於 Cardano 上 DEX 開發階段的詳細信息。
卡爾達諾去中心化交易所的發展階段。資料來源: Cardians_
卡爾達諾去中心化交易所的發展階段。資料來源: Cardians_
25 家 DEX 初創公司是一個很大的數字,尤其是對於新興的 Dapp 生態系統 Cardano。讓我們按開發階段對這些 DEX 進行分類。
4個項目主網真實交易量領跑DEX市場。SundaeSwap 和 Muesliswap 是兩個值得注意的名稱,因為這兩個平台都支持許多 Cardano Native Token 對(包括小型項目和 memecoin)。另一方面,ADAX Pro 和 Meow Swap 支持一些代幣對,僅支持它們的原生代幣。
Twitter 上的追隨者在 Cardano 上的頂級 DEX。資料來源: Cardians_
根據社交媒體指標,SundaeSwap是 Cardano 上第一個領先的 DEX。該平台從一開始就獲得了社區的廣泛關注。在過去的幾個月裡,DEX 是最受期待的主網項目,並且在主網上線時蓬勃發展,導致 Cardano 網絡出現大規模擁塞。但現在,Cardano 用戶可以在平台上進行代幣兌換,不會有任何延遲。
⇒ 我們仍處於 Cardano 生態系統的早期階段,許多初創公司正在盡可能快地構建主網,現在這是一場競賽。在散戶投資者的範圍內,Cardano 上的 DEX 包含最高增長的投資機會,因為它們現在具有牽引力、資本和流動性貫穿始終。
衍生 DEX
MatrixSwap是部署在 Cardano、Polkadot 和 Polygon 上的去中心化多鏈永久交易。2021 年 9 月,他們讓 IDO 在 Cardstarter 平台上推出了 MATRIX 代幣。作為 Cardano 生態系統中唯一的衍生品交易平台,具有很強的競爭優勢。
Cardstarter x MatrixSwap
IDO 平台
對於需要資金的初創公司來說, LaunchPad是一個了不起的想法。投資者現在可以參與為初創公司提供資金,以便項目在可用資金資源到位時盡快擴展他們的想法。因此,毫無疑問,LaunchPad 將成為 Cardano 生態系統吸引資金的主要因素。
卡爾達諾上的啟動板。資料來源: Cardians_
甲骨文是卡爾達諾生態系統中不可或缺的樂高積木。眨眼間,它將外部世界的數據連接到卡爾達諾區塊鏈。現在有 3 個偉大的項目將在 Cardano 上實施。
Charli3是一個基於 Cardano 的去中心化預言機。憑藉爆炸性的 IDO,Charli3 現在是一個新興的預言機項目,負責通過 API 將現實生活中的數據收集到區塊鏈中。目前,在 Cardano 上,Charli3 是最活躍的預言機玩家,與其他加密初創公司建立了數十個集成合作夥伴關係。
Charli3 集成合作夥伴關係。資料來源: Cardians_
Ergo is an UTXO-based blockchain built to create secure Smart Contracts in the De-Fi space.
Wolfram Alpha is one of Cardano’s partners. Cardano, Ethereum, and Bitcoin’s data are integrated into Wolfram Alpha computational intelligent engine
Currently, Lending/Borrowing is a widely used application in the De-Fi world. It provides loans with no middlemen or intermediaries. Moreover, the lending protocol offers users to earn interest with their stablecoins or tokens.
MELD is a non-custodial and banking protocol built for lending/borrowing. Now they are opening Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO) for ADA delegation to earn MELD tokens. After the MELD token launch, 300M MELD is being staked on the MELD platform, resulting in the long-term vision of investors for the project.
MELD's Website: https://www.meld.com/
Liqwid is an open-source and non-custodial interest rate protocol built for Lenders and Borrowers, which was funded by Project Catalyst. The LQ token can be used to provide liquidity on SundaeSwap to earn the SUNDAE token rewards.
Liqwid's Website: https://liqwid.finance/
Unlike other blockchains, stablecoins are native tokens issued on the Cardano blockchain, not via Smart Contracts. In the near future, there will be many new types of stablecoins in demand from users in the crypto market.
Stablecoins play an important role in the crypto space because it indicates the money flow of the ecosystem. At present, many asset-backed stablecoins are issued by companies that are unreliable. However, stablecoins that are built on the Cardano platform are fully decentralized.
STASIS's Website: https://stasis.net/
COTI is a payment method integrating Cardano Payments into their websites, e-commerces, and mobile payments. Gradually, Cardano is widely accepted in many payment methods throughout the internet.
Payment and Wallet on Cardano
Cardano Blockchain Insights
Over 3M million wallets are currently active, which shows the rising demand for storing ADA tokens on the chain. As a result, numerous non-custodial wallets have supported ADA so users can connect to Centralized Exchanges and DeFi applications when the Cardano mainnet is launched.
Daedalus is an open-source wallet for ADA along with Cardano from the beginning. It is built to grow with Cardano so many holders keep their ADA in Daedalus wallet. Currently, Daedalus is the most popular way of storing ADA.
Yoroi Wallet is a light wallet for Cardano. It is designed and engineered by Emurgo and IOHK. Moreover, Yoroi can be installed on many web browsers, iOS and Android for mobile.
GeroWallet is a wallet running on the Cardano blockchain that allows users to trade, stake, leverage synthetic assets, and buy crypto directly with fiat money. In May 2021, GeroWallet had a successful IDO on Cardstarter; the IDO starting price was 0.008$.
Cardano Blockchain Top-tier Wallets. Source: Cardians
Besides De-Fi is trending now, we’re also witnessing the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which are catching lots of media and people’s attention. NFT is a decentralized application where people can create unique things. Some but not all prominent NFT projects are as follows:
The Cardano Ecosystem will be an ideal area for NFT projects to develop and thrive.
NFT/Gaming on Cardano. Source: Cardians_
Predictions about Cardano Ecosystem's Future
In the foreseeable future, according to Cardano’s roadmap, it will expand as the Gougen era is bringing Smart Contract for Plutus programming language integration. Many new startup projects are ready to board the Cardano Ecosystem.
The crypto space in 2021 is still relatively small in comparison to other traditional financial markets such as stocks and gold. Therefore, there is plenty of space for the crypto market and the Cardano ecosystem to grow.
Investment opportunities with Cardano Ecosystem
ADA Token
ADA Price on Feb 20th, 2022
After a massive bull run in 2021, ADA price is having a huge correction from $2.96 to around $1.
Source: Cardians
However, the market cap of ADA is about $90 billion and it’s far lower than Ethereum’s market cap of ~$350 billion. In terms of new blockchain technologies, Cardano has future potential for development, expansion, and opportunities for investors.
Staking ADA
Whenever each epoch is closed and a block is completed, an amount of ADA tokens are rewarded for ADA delegators in those ADA pools. Alternatively, ADA holders can run their own stake pools and invite others to stake their tokens to share the rewards.
Staking supported wallets: Daedalus, Yoroi, and Ray Wallet with an average APR of 5%.
Staking ADA on Yoroi Wallet
Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO)
Instead of launching an IDO, several projects on Cardano decide to distribute their tokens through the fair-launch program - a new distribution mechanism.
When staking in the project’s pools or partners’ pools, fair-launch participants can still earn ADA rewards and receive token airdrops according to their stake. And the more staked ADA in the pool, the more rewards those pool operators can receive to fund their projects.
Available Projects for ISPO
For instance, Minswap launches its Fair Initial Stake Offering (FISO) with over 105 million ADA in partners’ staking pools. FISO program started at epoch 285, and it will end after 20 epochs, then the rewards are distributed to the ADA delegators.
Native Tokens on Cardano
Investing in prominent projects’ tokens is a traditional and effective way for everyone. The landscape of Cardano Native Tokens is getting more and more clear. There are underlying opportunities not only in the token itself but also the trendy DeFi metagame such as Liquidity Mining, Yield Farming, Lending/Borrowing, and Staking to get rewards with decent APYs.
Cardano Native Tokens
At the moment, thousands of Cardano Native Tokens are listed on DEXs that might be overvalued or undervalued in terms of the price as well as FDV. Since the Cardano ecosystem is rapidly growing, there is much fish in the sea for investors to consider.
For instance, Cardstarter and OccamFi are the first IDO platforms for Cardano’s startups, but they are now built on the Ethereum blockchain, waiting to deploy on Cardano. In the last few months, they launched Charli3, a Cardano Decentralized Oracle that has exploded in price with return on investment (ROI) over 40 times.
However, to participate in IDOs, investors need a large amount of money because the entrance requirement usually costs a bunch of tokens. And this strategy of investment is considered risky because the launched projects on IDO are sometimes influenced by unexpected factors.
Projects launched on Cardstarter. Source: Cardians
Projects launched on OccamFi. Source: Cardians_
To conclude, the Cardano ecosystem is still new and relatively small when compared to other existing ecosystems. The Cardano team is focusing on a bigger vision that is changing the real world with blockchain technology; for example, Cardano effectively impacts Africa with the decentralization process.
To which extent will the Cardano go if it completely becomes decentralized? The network and the Project Catalyst Treasury are driven by the Cardano community. All of that will be the key driver to sail the future of the Cardano network.
Finally, that is all you need to know about Cardano and the Cardano ecosystem. I hope you’ve gained valuable information to understand the future potential behind Cardano and the ecosystem.
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